Collection: Acne | Large Pores

Retinol | Green Tea | Aloe Vera | Salicylic Acid | Glycolic Acid | Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) | Azelaic Acid | Mandelic Acid

  • Retinol

    Encourages collagen production, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and helps even out skin tone.

  • The image has the word "Retinol" in bold white text against a blue background with molecular structures.
  • Green Tea

    Rich in antioxidants, soothes inflammation and may prevent signs of aging.

  • The image displays the words "Green Tea" in bold white text against a blue background with molecular structures.
  • The image features the words "Glycolic Acid" in bold white text against a blue background with molecular structures.
  • Glycolic Acid

    Improves skin texture and promotes cell turnover for a brighter complexion.

  • The image has the words "Aloe Vera" in bold white text against a blue background with molecular structures.
  • Aloe Vera

    Soothes and hydrates the skin, aids in healing, and possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Salicylic Acid (BHA)

    Penetrates into pores, exfoliating and unclogging them, reducing acne and blackheads.

  • The image shows the words "Salicylic Acid" in bold white text against a blue background with molecular structures.
  • Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)

    Regulates oil production, soothes skin, improves skin texture, and may help diminish the appearance of pores.

  • The image has the words "Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)" in bold white text against a blue background with molecular structures.
  • The image displays the words "Azelaic Acid" in bold white text against a blue background with molecular structures.
  • Azelaic Acid

    Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, suitable for acne-prone skin.

  • The image shows the words "Mandelic Acid" in bold white text against a blue background with molecular structures.
  • Mandelic Acid

    Gently exfoliates and helps improve uneven skin tone, suitable for sensitive skin.